sábado, 7 de março de 2020

Expressões com o verbo "Do"

Expressões com o verbo "Do"

O verbo "Do" significa "fazer".   Ex: "Do something." = "Fazer algo."
Mas este verbo pode ser combinado com palavras e formar varias expressões muito usadas em inglês!
Vejamos algumas:

"Do the laundry"
Ex - "She does the laundry every Saturday"

"Do the dishes"
Ex - "I do the dishes every evening, after dinner."

"Do homework"
Ex - "I like to do homework"

"Do damage"
Ex - "The fire did damage to the house"

"Do good"
Ex - "The students in Canada like to do good in their community."

Well, I hope you like it!
Have a great weekend.
Teacher Danilo
Zap: 11-95335-0234

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2020

Simple Present - Quando usar o Simple Present em Inglês?

Present (or Simple Present):

**O Simple Present é usado para fatos e acontecimentos que nunca mudam.

Ex:  "The sun rises in the East."
"The Earth rotates around the Sun."

**Usa-se também o Simple Present para hábitos e rotinas do dia a dia:
"I have breakfast at 07am"  
"My sister has breakfast at 09am. She is a nurse. She comes from work at 11pm."
"My father works downtown."  "My mother works in the suburbs"  "I work in another city."
"She eats her lunch always at noon."

**Importante:  para o Simple Present, sempre usa-se a Regrinha da 3ra. Pessoa em inglês:
1st Person - I work
2nd Person - You work
3rd Person - He, She, It works

I work / You work / He works / She works / It works / We work / They work

Best regards!
Teacher Danilo
Zap: 11-953350234