sábado, 19 de setembro de 2020

Adjectives of Quantity - 100% to 00%

 Adjectives of Quantity - 100% to 00%

100% -  All,   Everybody - Ex: Everybody wants free internet.

90 % = nearly all  = quase todos - Ex: Nearly all people over 65 are retired.

80% = most. ex: most people = a maioria das pessoas

60% a 70% =  Many (muitos) or A lot of (muitos) - Ex: I have many books - Ex2: I have a lot of books!  

(both are correct!)

50% -  some  = alguns

30% or 40 % = Not many =  não muitos

20% - Few = poucos

0% - no one = nobody  =  nenhum, ninguem

I hope you liked this English tip.

Best regards!

Teacher Danilo

Zap 11-953350234

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